Criminal Justice

EJTN’s criminal justice activities include seminars in procedural safeguards, victims’ rights, economic crimes, corruption, asset recovery and confiscation, trafficking of human beings, radicalisation and counterterrorism. Participants also learn about key EU legal instruments in criminal justice cooperation.

What is it?

The Criminal Justice portfolio is happy to offer judges, prosecutors and court staff, a range of seminars, webinars and lively sessions which combine lectures, key notes speeches and presentations and are intended to enhance knowledge of EU  practitioners by embracing EU Law in their daily praxis. The training experience will offer the possibility for a better understanding of the current EU legal framework of Criminal Justice and promotes mutual trust and cooperation in order to enable practitioners to work together across the borders.

In our training offer you will also find trainings implemented in cooperation with the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL) where law enforcement meets judiciary and work together on practical cases.

Our partners are EUROJUST, EUROPOL, EJN, EJCN GNS, JITs Network and EPPO, providing first-hand knowledge from practitioners in different areas of law.



What’s the objective?

EJTN’s Criminal Justice seminars are intended to promote a better understanding about the current EU legal framework of Criminal Justice in order to enable practitioners to work together across the borders. Furthermore, the seminars aim at bolstering the awareness and knowledge of several areas of EU Criminal Law such as asset recovery and confiscation, cybercrime and e-evidence or procedural rights in order for practitioners to embrace EU law as part of their daily practices.

Key topics

The Criminal Justice training seminars consist of interactive sessions, simulations, group’s work and the review of case-studies inspired by real facts in order to animate debates and promote interaction between practitioners attending the different events.
The collaborative partnership with CEPOL brings together law enforcement and judicial communities for joint courses on, inter alia, JITs, illegal immigration, financial investigations, counter-terrorism, e-evidence or corruption.
The trainings cover a wide range of legal topics, including:

Activities planned for 2025

For the full list of activities planned to take place in 2025, please refer to the EJTN Online Training Catalogue.

Any questions?

For any queries concerning the Criminal Justice portfolio, please contact the EJTN Secretariat: