About us
The European Judicial Training Network (EJTN) is the principal platform and promoter for the training and exchange of knowledge of the European judiciary.
EJTN in brief - short promo film

Founded in 2000 by the Bordeaux Charter, EJTN is an international non-profit association governed by the provisions of Belgian law. EJTN brings together judicial training institutions from all EU Member States to pursue an aim of general European interest: developing and implementing training and exchange activities for members of the European judiciary. These activities cover both initial and continuous training, and are delivered in close cooperation with our Members, Associate Members, Observers and Partners.
Who we are ?
Formed in 2000, EJTN’s fields of interest include EU, civil, criminal and commercial law and linguistics and societal issues training. The vision of EJTN is to help to foster a common legal and judicial European culture.
EJTN develops training standards and curricula, coordinates judicial training exchanges and programmes, disseminates training expertise and promotes cooperation between EU judicial training institutions.

EJTN’s mandate is to help build a genuine European area of justice and to promote knowledge of legal systems, thereby enhancing the understanding, confidence and cooperation between judges and prosecutors within EU states.
Charged with this mandate, EJTN promotes training programmes with a genuine European dimension for members of the judiciary in Europe.
This involves analysing and identifying training needs, designing programmes and methods for collaborative training, developing exchanges, and disseminating experiences in the field of judicial training, coordinating programmes and providing training expertise and know-how.

EJTN’s governance and structure promotes internal democracy and stimulates cooperation.
Governance is overseen by the General Assembly, which meets annually, and the Steering Committee that meets several times per year. The Secretary General ensures the proper management of the Network and its finances, initiates, co-ordinates and monitors the activities of the Network, and is the head of the EJTN Secretariat.
Dedicated Working Groups (WG) plan and implement EJTN’s projects and programmes within their respective fields. Focussed Sub-Working Groups are assembled to address specific projects or issues.
EJTN works with the European Commission (EC) and nearly 40 EU national judicial bodies, which are Members and Observers of EJTN.