
National Council for Justice

In Luxembourg, as in other EU Member States, judges and public prosecutors belong to the same professional body.

The judicial system is composed of three Justice of the Peace, two district courts, one court of appeal and one court of cassation, completed by one administrative tribunal and one administrative court for disputes related to administrative matters.

The constitutional review is carried out by the constitutional court.

Initial training:

According to the law of 7 June 2012 (amended act of 7 June 2012 on court officers), a Committee is in charge of the recruitment and the initial training of future judges and public prosecutors (court officers).

Essentially, this Committee acts as an ad hoc Committee and is composed of seven senior magistrates: the General Prosecutor, the President of the Court of Appeal, the President of the Administrative Court of Appeal, the President of the Administrative Tribunal, the President of the Court of District, one Prosecutor and one Prosecuting Attorney.  It has no designated staff nor office. The Committee’s activities are limited to ensuring the participation of Luxembourgish magistrates in judicial training, conferences, seminars and courses on legal subjects organised by external entities such as judicial institutions, academies, universities, legal associations, and other interest groups.

The National Council for Justice issues recommendations regarding the recruitment and training. (art. 14, Law of 7 June 2012).


Ongoing training:

The National Council for Justice has been established by the law of 23 January 2023 (Act of 23 January 2023 on the organisation of the National Council for the Judiciary), which came into effect on 1st July 2023.

According to Article 17 of the aforementioned law, its missions include matters of recruitment, training, appointments, ethics, discipline, absences, leaves, part-time service, detachment, and retirement.

The Council coordinates ongoing training of magistrates by presenting recommendations, maintaining relations with the Minister of Justice, and participating in activities conducted within international or European bodies. (art. 16(2) Law of 23 January 2023 on the status of magistrates)

Upon a motivated proposal from the Council, the Minister of Justice can enter into agreements with training providers.


  • Austria
    • Federal Ministry of Justice
  • Belgium
    • Judicial Training Institute
  • Bulgaria
    • National Institute of Justice
  • Croatia
    • Judicial Academy
  • Cyprus
    • Judicial Training School
  • Czechia
    • Judicial Academy
  • Denmark
    • Court Administration
  • Estonia
    • Office of the Prosecutor General
    • Supreme Court
  • Finland
    • National Courts Administration
    • National Prosecution Authority
  • France
    • National School for the Judiciary
  • Germany
    • Federal Ministry of Justice
    • Academy of European Law (ERA)
  • Greece
    • National School of the Judiciary
  • Hungary
    • National Office for the Judiciary
    • Office of the Prosecutor General
  • Ireland
    • The Judicial Council
  • Italy
    • School for the Judiciary
    • High Council of the Judiciary
  • Latvia
    • Latvian Judicial Training Centre
    • Office of the Prosecutor General
  • Lithuania
    • National Courts Administration
    • Office of the Prosecutor General
  • Luxembourg
    • National Council of Justice
  • Malta
    • Judicial Studies Committee
  • Netherlands
    • Training and Study Centre for the Judiciary
  • Poland
    • National School of Judiciary and Public Prosecution
  • Portugal
    • Centre for Judicial Studies
  • Romania
    • National Institute of Magistracy
  • Slovakia
    • Judicial Academy
  • Slovenia
    • Judicial Training Centre
  • Spain
    • Centre for Legal Studies
    • Judicial School
  • Sweden
    • Judicial Training Academy
    • Swedish Prosecution Authority