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9 May 2024

EJTN’s activities highlight the core values of Europe

General News

The fundamental values and aims of the European Judicial Training Network (EJTN) are deeply rooted in those of the European Union and its history. Peace, freedom, justice and security are all values that both EJTN and the EU aim for in their activities, not just on Europe Day but every day of the year. 

“The European Judicial Training Network (EJTN) is a perfect example of what Europe can do in practice for citizens. Its unique role in coordinating judicial training activities of schools in the Member States contributes to increased ties and confidence between justice systems across Europe, based on common values and shared objectives. It also reinforces a common European judicial culture, which is crucial to the EU’s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. Today, I wish to pay tribute not only to the Founding Fathers who made it possible to live in peace and prosperity on our continent for the last seven decades, but also to the women and men who make EJTN a great success. Our network’s strength lies in our ability to adapt and thrive in this new, complex world, tackling in particular the great promises but also concerns that digitalisation raises when applied to judicial functions. We are grateful to our Members, Associate Members, Observers and Partners, in particular the European Commission for its continuous trust and indispensable financial support since many years, said Judge Ingrid Derveaux, EJTN Secretary General.

In addition to embracing and upholding shared values, EJTN demonstrates its dedication to the European project through the promotion of European legal interaction, the enhancement of cross-cultural competence among Judges, Prosecutors and Court Staff, the general advancement of legal education and training as well as the cultivation of a sense of European identity and solidarity within the Network, among others. Indeed, EJTN is a true embodiment of ‘people of Europe’, a network where everyone is committed to the European project. 

The Network supports and promotes the creation and consolidation of a European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. By allowing European Judges, Prosecutors and Court Staff to meet, discuss and train together on subjects related to EU law and human rights, EJTN upholds this objective on a daily basis. Its work for and support of the European values also extends beyond borders. Last year, in cooperation with the Genocide Network Secretariat (GNS) and hosted by the Nuremberg Academy, EJTN organised a training dedicated to war crime subjects, with participants including members of the Ukrainian prosecution service specialising in war crime investigations. 

To foster cooperation and collaboration at EU level, EJTN organises study visits to and long-term trainings at a number of European institutions, including the Court of Justice of the European Union, the European Court of Human Rights and Eurojust. EJTN has signed milestone Memorandums of Understanding with key EU bodies, such as the European Public Prosecutor’s Office. EJTN also organises seminars on general and specialised EU law subjects, and our initial training programmes, the AIAKOS Programme and the THEMIS Competition highlight EJTN’s dedication to creating EU-wide communities of current and future judicial practitioners.  

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