Linguistics Programme

EJTN’s linguistics seminars train EU justice professionals in legal English, French, German, Spanish and Italian. The main goal of the seminars is to help participants improve their legal and language skills, to facilitate cross-border judicial cooperation and to support a common European legal culture.

What is it?

The EJTN Linguistics Programme is designed for the training of the EU judiciary in legal English, French, German and in Spanish, across different fields of law, and thus creating the conditions for direct contacts among legal practitioners of the different Member States in order to promote a common European legal culture.

Many legal language seminars are organised each year as part of this programme, which began in 2011 in various EU countries.

Take a look at the Linguistics Programme Brochure


What’s the objective?

The Linguistics Programme’s seminars aim at developing both the linguistics and legal skills of EU judges and prosecutors.

The courses are intended to familiarise participants with the various legal instruments in the different fields addressed and provide them with specific terminology. The trainings adopt an interactive, small-group methodology and feature the participation of tutors, a linguistic expert and a legal expert, working in a tandem.

Key Topics

The legal language trainings focus on developing the linguistics skills of the participants in the following topics:

Activities planned for 2025

For the full list of activities planned to take place in 2025, please refer to the EJTN Online Training Catalogue.

Any questions?

For any queries concerning the Linguistics programme, please contact Ondrej Strnad at the EJTN Secretariat:

For any queries concerning the Summer Schools, please contact Brandi Brown-Moreau at the EJTN Secretariat: