AIAKOS Programme
Aims at raising the awareness of future and early-career judges and prosecutors
for the European dimension of their (future) work.

The AIAKOS programme offers a unique exchange platform for future and early-career judges and prosecutors to learn and exchange views about different national judicial systems, foster mutual trust, and raise their awareness of the European dimension of their (future) work. The exchange is entirely organised in English.
The AIAKOS Programme is held four times a year (two weeks in spring session and two weeks in autumn session). If you are interested, please liaise with your national training institution to learn more on the organisation of the programme in your country and, if relevant, how and for which countries you can apply.
About the AIAKOS Programme
The AIAKOS Programme aims at bringing together future or newly appointed judges from different EU Member States, fostering mutual understanding of different European judicial cultures and systems and raising their awareness about the European dimension of their (future) work.
Depending on the host country, the AIAKOS Programme takes place in a judicial training institution or in courts/prosecution offices. Find out more about how the AIAKOS Programme is organised in each participating country. Click here to download the activities description for each country.
A closer look at the exchange
During the five-day exchange participants have the chance to:
- Attend hearings in the local courts
- Participate in meetings and lectures on several topics hosted by national experts
- Meet experienced judges and prosecutors
- Actively participate in workshops and discussions with peers
- Discover the judicial systems of other European countries
- Visit prisons, courts, institutions, and judicial schools
- Exchange with colleagues from all over Europe
Each country’s programme is different and unique as it is entirely designed by the hosting national judicial institution.
The AIAKOS exchange emphasises and encourages the networking component and aims to contribute to the creation of a network of young European magistrates
in order to enhance and facilitate international cooperation.
Strengthening the sense of belonging to a common judicial culture and mutual trust in the participants are crucial aspect as well.
Each exchange week includes a webinar on the topic of judgecraft
hosted by experts and offered by the European Judicial Training Network.
The session is held online and takes place simultaneously
in all the European countries participating in the exchange.
The topic of the session differs each week of exchange.
Several arguments are covered in a year:
- Cognitive biases and dissonance
- Judicial conduct & ethics
- Communication: questioning & listening
- Handling high conflict situations and individuals
The online session is highly interactive thanks to the use of quizzes,
videos, pools, IAT (Implicit Association Tests), and drawings.
What participants say
“I have created some strong bonds with other participants and took part in legal discussions
which made me feel like we all are part of a European judicial system”
– A Spanish judge in Czechia“Thank you for choosing me for this program! I hope it lasts a long time.
EU judges must focus on what can bring them together to contrast what can separate them”
– A Polish prosecutor in Portugal“I feel more connected to my European colleagues and now know who to contact
if I ever need help regarding a cross-border case”
– an Estonian prosecutor in Greece