EJTN definition of court staff
In line with EJTN Strategic Plan 2021-2027, court staff can be defined as follows: “Persons working in courts and prosecution authorities where they form part of the “corps judiciaire”, who are not judges or prosecutors, and who have legal training and who either:
(a) Help prepare judgments or prosecutorial decisions
(b) Make judicial or prosecutorial decisions at least at a preliminary phase, or
(c) Play a significant role in cross-border judicial cooperation”
This definition is complemented by the Study on the Training Needs of Court Staff on EU Law in the EU and its annexes.
Based on group classifications, these documents provide with a practical tool to identify functions and tasks of court and prosecution staff across the EU:
- F1 – Court staff with functions primarily related to the administration and management of the courts.
- F2 – Court staff whose functions include providing assistance to judges and prosecutors in case preparation and research.
- F3 – Court staff whose tasks include some judicial functions.
- F4 – Court staff whose tasks include procedural functions of a cross-border nature
In the end, the definition of “court staff” and what is encompassed in the latter lies on the discretionary power of EJTN Members and Associate Members. Candidates interested to participate in EJTN activities are invited to contact their national training institutions regarding their eligibility, if any doubts occur.