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3 September 2024

Applications for the EJTN Exchange Programme 2025 are now open


Are you interested in deepening your understanding of different judicial systems or gaining practical experience within a European court, agency or office? 

EJTN is pleased to announce the opening of the first call for applications for the 2025 Exchange Programme for Judicial Authorities. The application deadline is open until 15 October 2024, 18:00 Brussels time. 

In partnership with its member institutions, EJTN offers a broad range of exchange opportunities designed to provide exceptional professional development for judges, prosecutors and court staff across Europe.

Project-based exchanges

Type of exchange  Description 
Bilateral exchanges  They are organised between two courts or prosecution offices of different EU Member States. A court or prosecution from one country sends a delegation of up to 5 participants to the corresponding institution of the other country. Applying courts or prosecution offices shall submit a duly completed exchange project and a signed hosting agreement at the time of their online application. Places are opened for judges, administrative judges, prosecutors, and court staff.

More information on our tutorial “how to complete a hosting agreement”. 


Long-term training periods

Long-term training periods represent a unique opportunity to get acquainted with institutions of the European judiciary.  

During several months, the trainees immerse themselves in the work, procedures, and decision-making processes of high-level institutions. 

Organisation  Period and duration 
Court of Justice of the European Union
1 September 2025 to 27 February 2026, or 
1 September 2025 to 31 August 2026 
European Court of Human Rights
1 September 2025 to 31 August 2026 
Duration: between 3 and 4 months, depending on the availability of each National Desk 
European Public Prosecutor’s Office
1 September 2025 to 27 February 2026 


Application process and requirements

Applications must be submitted through the Exchange Programme online application forms by Tuesday 15 October 2024 at 18:00 (Brussels time). 

EJTN Member institutions are responsible for the selection of applicants. 

Upcoming calls for applications

Unlike previously announced, the call for applications for exchanges is postponed to 1 October 2024. This will include General, Specialised, Judicial leaders’ and Trainers’ exchanges.  

Additionally, other calls for applications will be launched in the coming months for various activities, including: Study visits to various institutions, Regional exchanges, Judiciary Learning Grant Programme, and EJTN-CEPOL exchanges. 

General information

Please note that the selection process of all Exchange Programme participants is the prerogative of EJTN Member and Associate Member institutions.  

Launched in 2005, at the initiative of the European Parliament, the Exchange Programme for Judicial Authorities allows judges, prosecutors, court staff and trainers from different EU Member States to improve their knowledge of other judicial systems through direct contact and exchange of views and experiences.  

The Exchange Programme also aims at developing a common European judicial culture based on mutual trust and cooperation between judicial authorities in the European judicial area.