This joint CEPOL-EJTN training will bring together prosecutors and senior police officers from different EU MS with the aim of promoting the use of Joint Investigation Teams (JITs) for cases on facilitation of illegal immigration, enhance judicial and law enforcement investigative competences throughout the EU in combating illegal immigration networks, and foster greater cooperation between EU agencies and national judicial and law enforcement officials involved in combatting illegal immigration.
The learning outcomes of this training include, among others, the ability to (a) Identify the trends in migrant smuggling in the Mediterranean, (b) Apply appropriate tools for gathering and exchange of information and intelligence with partners inside and outside the EU, (c) Take appropriate action using EU and international judicial and police support tools and services, (d) Apply the concept of JITs and compare JITs with other forms of criminal investigations; identify legal practice and procedural issues in JITs, how to set up and operate a JIT and how to select appropriate services offered by the EU to support JITs, (e) Ensure an efficient sharing/collection of information, and (f) Recognise indicators and techniques of financial crimes to tackle the business model of smugglers.
Target audience:
Prosecutors, particularly those dealing with illegal immigration and migrant smuggling cases
Registration Form (via email to selected candidates) Terms and Conditions of Participation FAQ
Post seminar:
Expense Claim Form Private Car Travel Reimbursement Form
Application Process:
All applications must be submitted through the candidates' national EJTN member institution.
Number of places:
10-15 judges/prosecutors funded by the EJTN
Deadline for applications: Applications to this training are now closed.